Benecz Ferenc, "Paraferee" a Sherpa Rally versenyről
A Sherpa Rally egy igazán kivételes és ritka verseny Magyarországon, noha a világon számos helyen rendeznek hasonlót. Benecz Ferenc nemcsak outdoor újságíróként, hanem versenyzőként is részt vett már jó néhány ilyen rendezvényen, vele beszélgettünk erről a nehéz és szép kihívásról.
First Tactical Specialist 3-Day tactical backpack review
I chose the bag to prepare for the Elite Challenge in 2021, as well as to raise backpacking training to a higher level. I wanted to test and try out a medium-sized backpack designed for serious use. I looked through the descriptions and tests of many bags, and finally decided on this one. Let's see, after a year of intensive use, was my decision right?
Mil-Tec Teesar 100 military / bushcraft backpack review
At the end of October, I managed to acquire a real specialty, the Mil-Tec company Teesar 100 backpack, which is different from a general load-carrying device in almost every way. It was a joy to hold, but an even greater joy to use. The adjectives in the title may seem strange for a backpack, but it soon becomes clear why we are not talking about a "simple" hiking bag.
Haix Nepal Pro Desert tactical and military boots review
What is the difference between a hiking boot and a military boot? With the help of Haix Nepal Pro, we are looking for answers to this question in this test, taking into account that shoes are made for a wide variety of different needs in both categories, so it is not possible to draw a sharp line between them. We started the test from the tour use side...
(one version of the HAIX Nepal Pro boots is semi-official footwear of the Hungarian Armed Forces, but the test was born regardless of this fact)
Salomon XA Forces Mid tactical and trekking boots review
I was very curious about Salomon's hiking shoes and running boots. Partly because I've been training and racing in Salomon cross-country shoes for years, partly because I've never owned a boot from them before, but I've heard a lot of good things about this equipment. And the third reason is that the Salomon XA Forces Mid boots seemed to be the perfect choice for increasingly frequent backpacking training. Theoretically. Of course, the test is when we go out into the field.
Magnum Assault Tactical 5.0 - vegan tactical and hiking boots
Since I started backpacking a few years ago (covering a distance with a large backpack at a fast pace), good shoes have always been a priority. Really, shoes or boots? What is best, what is most suitable. Fortunately, I was able to test several types of footwear and experience shows that light but stable shoes are the best. What is difficult is better from a training point of view, what is easy is less safe and stable. When the Magnum Assault Tactical 5.0 boot came into my hands, I immediately encountered a new feeling. The shoes are also vegan... this means a lot to me (and to more and more people), it is only positively related to performance.
PANTAC Molle Forward Deployment Pack tactical backpack review (+video)
Pantac Molle Forward Deployment Pack is a massive, robust backpack optimized for carrying heavy loads for long-distance walking and deployment. It does not provide the comfort of hiking bags at all, but it shows its true values in its material and implementation when you have to carry a really heavy load for a long time, even in extreme conditions. Both its exterior and interior design were designed for this purpose.
MARDINGTOP 70 backpack - more than a trekking, but only almost a tactical (+videó)
In our series, I am now presenting you a transitional bag - the Mardingtop 70 is suitable for use in bushcraft, airsoft, adventure travel, but it is more of a durable and easy-to-use hiking bag. It was my companion on several days of tough hikes and camping trips, and apart from a few minor inconveniences, it didn't cause any problems, and even served as pleasant surprises. I already had experience with another bag from the brand, unfortunately, most of the faults indicated there are also found in this bag, but the company has already repaired other (perhaps newer) backpacks! I hope this trend continues! Thus, the bag receives a grade of around 3+ / 4-, by correcting the errors it can reach the value of 4+.
Tavaszi betegségek antibiotikumok nélkül
Közeledett virágvasárnap és én elbíztam magam. Azta! - gondoltam – Tényleg csúcs hatása van ezeknek a rügyeknek. Én ebben az évben már tuti nem leszek beteg. Merthogy a tél vége óta szorgosan legelésztem az egyre másra megjelenő rügyeket fákról, bokrokról.
ILCA 7-es Hajóosztály Világbajnokság - Vadnai Jonatán 12. helyen
Vadnai Jonatán vitorlázó ILCA 7-es (korábbi Laser) hajóosztály világbajnokságán Adelaide-ben a 12. helyen végzett.
Jakob Herrmann új síhegymászó világcsúcsot állított fel 24 óra alatt 24242 m szintemelkedéssel
Új világcsúcsot állított fel Jakob Herrmann síhegymászásban a hétvégén Radstadtban. Az osztrák sportoló fantasztikus 24 242 méteres szintemelkedést mászott meg 24 óra alatt, és ezzel 756 méterrel megdöntötte Kilian Jornet korábbi rekordját.
MARDINGTOP 70 hátizsák - több mint túra, de csak majdnem taktikai (+videó)
Sorozatunkban most egy átmeneti zsákot mutatok be nektek - a Mardingtop 70 alkalmas bushcraft, airsoft, kalandtúra felhasználásra, de inkább egy strapabíró és jól kezelhető túrazsákról van szó. Többnapos kemény túrákon, vándortáborokban volt a társam, néhány apró kellemetlenségen kívül nem okozott gondot, sőt kifejezetten kellemes meglepetésekkel szolgált. A márka egy másik zsákjával már volt tapasztalatom, sajnos az ott jelzett pár hiba többsége ennél a zsáknál is megtalálható, de másik (talán újabb) hátizsákoknál már javított a cég! Remélem ez a trend folytatódik! Így a zsák 3+ / 4- körüli osztályzatot kap, a hibák javításával elérheti a 4+ értéket is.